Breadmania Case Study 

Search for gluten-free bread in your area & join an exciting community

What is it?

BreadMania is an app. It is a new and sustainable solution to find or share delicious, homemade, gluten-free bread in your area. BreadMania creates an exciting community for someone who is gluten intolerant. Now you finally have a tool to interact with others and share your personal story gluten-free.“





This project for a part of my study course which I followed in the California Institute of Arts between 2018 and 2019. I was the only participant of this project and I tested it with other users (my classmates). I did a full UX cycle starting from the research and finished high-fidelity prototypes as well as a presentation of the final result to my audience.


4 Potential Customer Types


This group include gluten intolerant users with serious reaction and allergy on gluten. They are very conscious about their health condition, often collaborating with a doctor or a nutritionist to improve their diet.


This group consists of users willing to share the recipes, housewives, elderly people willing to make new contacts in the local area. Usually, users of this group have lots of free time and they would like to spend it on something good.


This group of users likes everything biological, vegetarian and vegan related. They have a relatively good income and are able to afford often expensive supplements and ‘green’ products. In their free time, they like to exercise, cook, read and hike.


This group includes art students, art researchers and professional artists. They study the influence of sharing practice as a form of art (relational aesthetics). 

Competitor Analysis - 3 Existing Apps


The user is able to find nearby gluten-free places to eat out. Plus: an ability to give ranking and leave feedback. Minus: doesn’t work without signing in, too much advertisement.


Well-illustrated app with beautiful photography and a nice and easy to navigate menu. However, it works only with a paid subscription.


Clear menu, nice colours and many functions, but looks a bit overloaded with the information.

User Flowchart

Content Map

Designing a content map for BreadMania App I constructed 3 main sections:

Paper Prototypes

Designing paper prototypes I had a chance to test them with the users.

After receiving a feedback:

Site Map

After a user feedback on this early stage I learned to be flexible and open to new design solutions.


While working on wireframes I discovered the most convenient structure for this app. I placed permanent menu consisted of 3 main sections at the bottom of every screen.

UI Design


I have focused on 'function first' design.

I was inspired by positive, fun, easy to understand elements and bright colours.

My moodboard consists of some vintage and traditional images.


Challenges & User Testing

For example, clean dishes used for cooking gluten free bread may contain remained micro parti- cles of gluten from previous food. If a person with a celiac disease eats from these dishes, he/she may get a health reaction even if the food itself doesn't contain any gluten.

I consider adding extra screen which informs a user about this possible danger. I have an idea to use a chatbot which will collect all the necessary information about the user and warn him/her before proceeding with 3 main menu options.


I find it important to create the right community of like-minded people as well as building a sustainable business platform.

Future Plan