Social Impact Apps


Social Impact & Community App

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Brug Gallery

E-commerce & Art Gallery for Emerging Artists

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Community App

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Chris Paulischta

Human Capital Consulting at Deloitte, former Director - Leadership, Talent & Organizational Development at Philips

📍 Dublin, Ireland

Dima is a very talented professional, bringing creative insight and a solution-focused mindset, to overcome complex user design problems. He is passionate about proving holistic user experiences that integrate naturally with the flow of life and work.

Chris's LinkedIn

Rulian Estivalletti

Senior Software Engineer at Stealthbits

📍 New York, United States

Dima put a lot of research, thinking and effort behind my project, where every decision and detail had a reason and purpose. As a developer, being able to work with someone who can understand your vision and work with you to accomplish your goals gives momentum to your project as it feels like there is wind in your sails.

Rulian's Website

Stefie Sancassano

Experience Digital Consultant at Modolab, former UX Designer at MediaMonks

📍 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

I've worked with Dima for six months on an MVP project for an art platform. We conducted several workshops generating insights and action plans. As a creative designer, he challenged the team to think outside the box to create better experiences. He is an excellent colleague to work with.

Stefie's LinkedIn